Thursday, October 7, 2010

Glowing Parent Teacher Conferences for "See abc's" Kids

Just had to tell you about two children who have been using "See abc's". They both just started Kindergarten and had their Parent Teacher Conferences this week. One child's teacher said she was doing so well in reading that she could be bumped up two levels! At a different school, the other child's teacher said he was doing so well in reading that she was going to get him started on AR reading (an advanced program). She said that they don't normally do that until the middle of the year! Way to go kids and your moms!!!

I know a lot of parents have the notion that if their child learns how to read before school, he/she will be too bored when they start school. All the kids I know of that have used "See abc's" before school have never been bored, because their teachers know their abilities and put them on books that keep them challenged and growing. Also, with these kids, they have developed a deeper love of reading because they can read more advanced books at an earlier age; books which are a lot more fun and interesting!


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