Monday, May 17, 2010

Phonics Lesson - Mountain says /m/

I've had this little piece of paper sitting in my cupboard for over a year now. My daughter told me something that her daughters had said and I thought it was so cute that I made a little note of it to share with others later. Well, I've decided to finally share it now so that I don't have to keep that little piece of paper in my cupboard any more.

My daughter's 4-year old had been learning her alphabet picture clues and sounds and she was trying to teach her little 2-year old sister as they were driving somewhere.

4-year old: "Mountain says _________?"
2-year old: "/m/"

My daughter was surprised to hear her say the right sound.

4-year old: "Mommy says _________?"
2-year old: "/m/"

My daughter was really shocked to hear that she knew the right sound again and was beginning to believe that she had a little genius on her hands!

4-year old: "Fish says ___________?"
2-year old: "/m/"

Well, so much for the genius theory, ha, ha! But, at this young age, she was understanding that letters themselves speak, and when she was an older 2-year old, she actually did know quite a few different letters and their correct sounds. As a 3 1/2-year old, she knows ALL of her upper and lower case letter picture clues and sounds. She's ready to start reading now, and actually has begun the blending book! She completely grasps the concept of how to put sounds together into words in "ABC's See How to Chop and Blend - a Recipe for Reading."
