Saturday, March 26, 2011

School Book fairs and You!

Are you a book-fair maniac like me? The other day my 7-year old granddaughter called me - all excited, "Nana, will you take me to my school book fair?" she squealed. And, I squealed right back at her, "Of course I will!"

I LOVE school book fairs. You get wonderful books at a great price while at the same time helping your school out.

My granddaughter and I spent 1 1/2 wonderful hours flipping through and reading fun books. Not only did she go home with books, but so did I!

Reading is a vital part of a child's life. It is critical that as children, grandparents, older siblings and so on, we read to our young children.

Next time a school book fair is in your area, take a child you love to it. Not only will your child remember your jesture, but you will get hooked on book fairs like I have.


Wednesday, March 9, 2011

See abc's® Blending Causes Deep Thinking!

You can't pull one over on a barely four-year old.

I was making a video of a little girl who just turned four nine days prior. I wanted to show everyone how to work with your kids in the beginning stages of blending individual sounds into words. I like to give hints of what the words are so that the kids will be excited to read it and find out what I'm talking about. So, on our final word, I told little Elise, "This is something that makes us nice and clean." She then proceeded to read the word, "tub". Then she just sat there for a minute in deep thought and said, "Not nice, just clean!"

Her mom and I got a good laugh out of that one! Her mom said, "It would be nice if we could just throw everyone in the tub to make them nice." You never know the fun you are in for when you sit down to teach your child!


Wednesday, March 2, 2011

See abc's® Students Shine at Parent Teacher Conferences

In January, progress reports began coming in from the teachers. I'd like to share a couple of them with you to give you some inspiration to stick to the program and continue on every day because the rewards are so great!

Both of these reports were for Kindergarten children. One little boy's teacher called his parents to say he was one of three kids that she was going to have to find more challenging books for. The other was a little girl whose teacher said that she was at the top of the entire school district for reading nonsense words - words that are not really words, such as: breek, pid, etc. (I just made those up!) Her achievement was thanks to "Imletteration".

So, keep up the good work, not only for the See abc's students, but to any parents that are taking extra time at home to work with their children. That one on one attention is the best thing in the world to help your child be successful! The biggest secret to these children's success is that they were all ready reading before they started Kindergarten.
