Thursday, September 18, 2008

League of Utah Writers Roundup Conference

From Doreese: The writers conference was a lot of fun! Most of the authors there were still working on things. But even though I have completed my writing, there were still workshops that pertained to me. There was one on Public Relations and How to Talk to a Reporter.

The last class I went to was called "Awaken the Child Within" by Patricia Wiles. She said a couple of things that I thought were very thought provoking. She said, "Every day doors close for children, and it is our job as authors to open them", and "Entertainment is to children as rain is to flowers." Then she had us do an exercise that I am going to suggest that each of you do. Write down on a sheet of paper the following: Kindergarten, 1st, 2nd and on up to 6th, leaving a few lines in between each. Then list three things you can think of that happened to you during each grade. Try to remember your teacher's name. I was surprised at how doing this helped awaken the child within me. It brought back memories, both good and bad. Doing this will help you be able to better relate to your children and understand how they may be feeling.
Center - James Dashner and Doreese / James is from Georgia. He has written a 4-book series and is now finishing up a 3-book series. I bought the first of his 3-book series. It is called: The 13th Reality - The Journal of Curious Letters. I got to eat dinner with him and take a workshop from him. He's a very personable man.
Bottom - Doreese, Janet Jensen and Carolyn Campbell / These are two great writer friends. Janet's first novel has recently been published, and Carolyn has published over 800 magazine articles. She is the magazine queen! She has also published 3 books.

Thursday, September 11, 2008

A Combined Effort

Hi, my sister Sherry and I are excited to have this blog to let you know what is going on with literacy, taking care of our earth and points of interest about ourselves. I developed the See abc's reading method and Sherry developed the 123 book to go along with it, the alphabet song and the loveable characters of Tia and her best friend Bob Frog.

Since we are both working on the See abc's reading program, we are going to use this blog together. Hopefully that will add some punch to it by having two different personalities contributing.

Tomorrow, I am going to be attending the League of Utah Writers yearly "Roundup" conference in Ogden, Utah. I'm very excited to go. It is going to be Fri. evening and all day on Sat. I'll share some of the most exciting points with you when I get back.

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

See abc's helps children read

Today See abc's set up its blog.