Tuesday, September 3, 2013

See abc's Launches Emily Far Past the Mark!

  • I've told you about little Emily before.  Last year, at her kindergarten screening, she was tested reading on a 4th grade level.  I asked her mother to give me a report on how her Kindergarten year went.  I was amazed to hear of her great accomplishments.  So, from the words of her mother:
    "Emily learned the See abc's" reading program over the space of one Summer. She was only 4. By the time she was finished she still had a year until she'd start kindergarten, but it was all I could do to keep her entertained! She was so excited to read anything and everything I put in front of her.
    She started kindergarten the following year finishing a chapter book every other night. She could pick up Harry Potter and read fluidly. She even surpassed her older sister's reading level! She reads with influxes in her voice that make her much more interesting to listen to, and her comprehension was there by the time she started school.
    Because Emily didn't have the hurdle of learning to sound words out or try to understand what she was reading, she started trying new things. She could read the instructions on every worksheet herself and figure out what she needed to do. While other children memorized sight words and sounded out words like pot and cat, Emily was leaps and bounds ahead doing third grade math, science and reading at the level of a sixth or seventh grader. Reading wasn't an issue so she moved on to new challenges like fractions, times tables and more. 
    Her teachers loved that, even though she knew a great deal more than many of her peers, she went out of her way to teach what she'd learned rather than parade it over them that she could do it. She loves to teach and help other students learn the way she did.
    Because of her English comprehension and reading level she is top of her class with the Dual Language Immersion Portuguese program in her school. She isn't stumbling to make sense of her own language in any way, which, I believe, made her a perfect candidate for trying some new. Her Portuguese teacher was very impressed by her comprehension and even her level of understanding.
    All of this started with the See abc's Reading program. I believe it gave her the confidence she needed to feel like she could accomplish anything. I also feel that by learning to read before you begin kindergarten you are launched forward in your education to such a degree that you aren't held back by the typical stumbling blocks that other children often face. I am so grateful every day that Emily was able to use this program and that she's learned to love learning."
    Isn't that fantastic!!! Of course, it also takes a dedicated mother who is willing to sit down with their child for 20-30 minutes a day and teach them. But, the rewards from that are tremendous.
    Thanks Amy and Emily for sharing your story. Best of luck in First Grade Emily!

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