Monday, July 26, 2010

"See abc's® Vowel Cheer"

We all know that vowels have the most important job in teaching children how to read. It's important that children understand this; that every single word must have at least one vowel in it. Many times that vowel isn't even heard, it is silent, but it still must be there: i.e., "bird," "earth."

To help kids remember the vowels, we teach them our "See abc's Vowel Cheer." Follow along with our short video. Two and three-year olds love to do the cheer even though they don't know the significance of the vowels yet. But, that's great. It will just be that much easier for them when they get to that point.

Aarrgh!!! I can't get my link to this video to work! But, it is really cute and it is the easiest way to learn the cheer, which is the EASIEST way to learn the vowels. It is posted on our "See abc's" Facebook page. Search for "See abc's Reading Program" on facebook, scroll down the page and you will find it. Become our fan on Facebook!


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