Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Preschoolers and Reading ~ Myth #1


I want to address a couple of myths that I keep running across with parents of preschoolers in regards to teaching them how to read before Kindergarten. There are two main myths. Today, I will be discussing myth #1. Next week I will cover myth #2.

Myth #1:

Some parents are afraid that if they teach their children any more than the alphabet letter names and sounds that their child will be bored when they go to Kindergarten. This is ABSOLUTELY wrong! The more your child knows before school, the better! I've seen it happen many times. Let's look at the top 5 reasons why:

5. Children are interested and excited to learn at a very young age and want to spend time with you. (They are usually more willing to spend time with you at a young age; before they reach the stubborn stage.)

4. Because with See abc's, they can! Unless they have a learning disability, they can easily complete this entire program before school. (But don't worry if they are still working on it during Kindergarten. It will still greatly benefit them!)

3. They will enter school with high self-esteem because they already know how to read, which makes them feel so smart! Important: Make sure you tell your child's teacher about your child's abilities so that he/she can keep your child challenged, but not over-whelmed.

2. Reading before school greatly reduces the risk that they will not catch on quickly at school, therefore falling behind. This can create low self-esteem, which is very hard to gain back.

1. And the number 1 reason? Most importantly, so that parents can be the ones to give their children the greatest educational gift of all - reading!!! The gift upon which all other education hinges. There is such a joy and excitement for both parents and children that comes from unveiling the magic of the written word.


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