Wednesday, May 23, 2012

My School Year Ends - See abc's® Was Successful!

Wasn't Emily great? - in my last post.

Well, today was a bitter-sweet day for me. It was my last day of volunteer tutoring. I took the kids through a crash course of "Imletteration!" so they won't be frustrated when the vowels start saying a bunch of other vowels sounds. At least now they'll know that it's okay for that to happen. And, today, we finally talked about how 'Y' is sometimes a vowel. It's a vowel when it imletterates 3 of the other vowel sounds. See abc's has proved itself to be a huge success in the lives of these young children.  Their teacher spoke of it in terms of "Miracles" many times.  I pray they will practice during the summer now.  Kids can forget a lot over three months, at that young of an age especially.

So, how is everyone feeling about school ending; those with older kids in school?  I remember thinking of it as a tidal wave that I couldn't stop from happening.  And, soon all of my kids would be home, all day long, every day.  Oh no!  Whatever was I going to do with them!!!  But, by the time school began the next fall, I always was reluctant to send them back.

Heads up: I've been asked to teach a class on See abc's on June 7th. Reserve that date with more details to come.


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